My Name Is Fluffy

Being a cat I am extremely opionated and always right. I have decided to keep this journal and share some of my cat insight with you.

My Photo
Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I am an artist. I doodle on just about everything. I have a little yard, about 12 feet by 20 feet. It was a cement yard. A dear friend with a kind and gentle spirit helped me. We removed the cement a couple of years ago. Then I started studying horticulture. I planted and played in my garden. It is a very small garden. I plant stuff. I let it grow. I let it overgrow. I experiment with color and texture. I experiment with form and design. It is a small garden. I find myself studying every little plant for hours. And then I move stuff. I plant more. I add lights and stones and logs. I study it some more. I move things. My gardening reminds me of my doodling. When I doodle my mind is free and clear. I enjoy my doodles. People tell me they are not doodles. They are elaborate drawings. When I stand and study my garden my mind is free and clear. I create beautiful doodles with my garden. It is a small garden. It is the perfect size. It is My Doodle Garden.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Foo Foo Fluffy's Feline Flapdoodling

My concierge, Maggie, took this picture of me a few years back. For a human, she is okay, although I must keep her in constant training or else she forgets everything I ever taught her. Fortunately, she seems to have a decent disposition and is good natured even when she is chastised.
Psycho What?

This is a picture of one of the humans in my life. Her name is Maggie. She is my concierge. You can see that she has her moods. Often when humans have moods that last too long they pursue something called psycho therapy. It seems quite odd to me, but Maggie seems to like it. Click on Maggie's picture to watch a video by Ze about psychotherapy.
This icon leads to some more information about me. It is a picture of me watching David Letterman. Maggie has posted a movie of this. If you click on this sentence you will go there.
This is my friend Queenie The Dragon Queen. I will tell you more about her later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Fluffy,

your concierge Maggie..hmmm....sounds familiar to me...oh yes, now I see....that is the Maggie that I (and you) love

Johnny B Goode

Thursday, October 06, 2005  

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